Reflections on Living Life on Purpose through Yoga

Friday, September 23, 2011

WhAt'S in YoUR sUgar, SuGaR?

I've been passionately reading about this thing called Aspartame.  It's by far the most dangerous substance on the market that is added to foods.  It's lethal, it's deadly, and it's in at least five thousand products around the world.  Yeah, really...the FDA approves things like this.  Are you mad yet?  Because I'm furious.

I sorta knew about aspartame but recently my dad brought me the flavored water he's been drinking....he wanted me to check it out.  According to him, the label said NO calories, NO sugar, NO this, NO that!  So he thought it was great.  Well, I looked at the ingredient list, and guess what's in it?  You got it.

So I did some more research.....And here's a snapshot.

Aspartame, originially marketed by Monsanto (the food industry devil), is commonly sold by the brand names Equal or Nutrasweet, and marketed as a zero calorie sweetener.  The most common products it's found in is "diet" soda, flavored drinks, yogurt, pudding, alternative sugar packets, chewing gum, frozen food, packaged foods, and even vitamins and cough drops.

Basically the company that originally produced aspartame, G.D. Searle, was due to be prosecuted for fabricating test results indicating that aspartame was safe, but legal matters were held up and delayed by attorneys (who later took lucrative positions within the industry), until the statute of limitations expired.  One study showed that of seven monkeys that were being fed aspartame mixed with milk, one dies and five others have grand mal seizures.  Another one done by Neuroscientist Dr John Olney informed G.D. Searle that his studies show that aspartic acid (one of the three ingredients in aspartame) caused holes in the brains of infant mice.

In an article titled "The Aspartame Scandal", Betty Martini reports, "The FDA has received more than 10,000 consumer complaints on this Nutra-poison.  That's 80% of all complaints about food additives, yet they have done nothing to alert the American consumer on this Nutra-Poison."

Aspartame has been linked to at least 92 different adverse effects including:
Lou Gehrig's disease, Alzheimer's disease, Anxiety, Birth defects, Blurred vision, Brain tumors, Cancer, Depression, Diabetes, Diarrhea, Dizziness, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Heart palpitations, Hypertension, Joint pain, Memory Loss, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscle spasms, Nausea, Numbness, Parkinson's, PMS, Rashes, Sexual disfunction, Vertigo, Vomiting, Weight gain.

 So what to do?!
-Go through your kitchen and throw out everything that has any of the following artificial sweeteners listed on the label:  Aspartame, Acesulfame Potassium (K), Saccharin, or Sucralose. I don't care if it cost you money, your health is on the line - throw it away!!!

-Avoid any product claiming to be "low calorie", "diet", "sugar free" or "no added sugar".  All of these likely contain artificial sweeteners. 

-Do not use Equal, Nutrasweet, or Splenda!  Use Organic RAW sugar, organic agave nectar, or organic locally grown honey instead. 

A great resource for all of this clean, green, disease free eating is this book I'm currently reading called The GREEN body cleanse by Dr. Edward F. Group III.  And I also just watched a brilliant documentary called Forks over Knives.  It will give you tremendous insight into the effects of what we're eating.  You can watch it streaming on Netflix.

Needless to say, I threw my dad's poisoned water down the drain.  He will not be buying that again.  I encourage anyone who is passionate about this to let me know so we can talk about what else you can do to clean and green your life....for the health of yourself, your family, your community, and the planet.

Peace, love & veggies!
(stolen from Kris Carr - check her out on

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